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Nov 23, 2010

Safely Download Faster Movie | Download Faster

Download Faster Full Movie 2010

Faster Movie has hit the theatres; people are crazy to download Faster Movie. If you haven’t heard about Faster Movie yet, you should go for download right now Faster Movie ready to download any format. Now, it becomes quite easier to download and watch all latest released Faster movie download of Hollywood. This website which not only provides complete download Faster movie but also with high Divx quality.

Faster Movie is Directed By: - George Tillman Jr.

Starring: - Dwayne Johnson, Billy Bob Thornton, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Maggie Grace, Moon Bloodgood, Carla Gugino, Jennifer Carpenter, Tom Berenger

CLICK Here And Download Faster Movie in divx/ipod Quality

Faster Movie Synopsis: - Packed with action sequences, Faster is a thrilling movie, which becomes quite evident from its title. The movie sheds light on a disheartened man, Driver who has spent 10 complete, most precious years of his life in confinement. He was forced to get an imprisonment 10 years back, when he was found involved in a bank robbery. Faster video takes viewers to the time, when he’s set free after finishing his assigned time period in prison. Now he has just one motive to be fulfilled- to take the revenge from the person, who murdered his brother. His brother got killed at the time when he was accused of robbery. Driver is now all set on a mission, with vision of all the deadly activities in his mind. But his journey of revenge is not a smooth as he is required to tackle with two men, who are on a constant chase of him. One out of these is a veteran cop, who has just retired from his services and the other is an egocentric hitman, who loves to play havoc with the life of his opponents as he’s just too expert in doing that. To the misfortune of Driver, the hitman has to settle some scores with him.


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